No Views on a Public Request

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No Views on a Public Request

Post by Judith »

I submitted an article for a public request. The three days will expire sometime today or tonight. As of now, there have been no views of the article. I assume that means the person making the request has not seen my article. Their request still shows as open.When the article is returned to my available files, should I resubmit it for the request since it hasn't been seen or should I assume the person making the request has either changed their mind or has already chosen an article? I actually have two articles submitted to this request and neither of them have been looked at.
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Re: No Views on a Public Request

Post by Antonia »

Well, the requester could be waiting until the request expires to look at any articles, or they may already have chosen another article. But once the request has expired, there's no way of re-submitting an article to it. Not knowing the requester's reasons, I'd just move on - someone else will buy your articles eventually.
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Re: No Views on a Public Request

Post by aprilk10 »

The client will still have a message and link to your article in their inbox, it is just no longer exclusive to that particular client after it is returned to your portfolio. On quite a few occassions, I have had an article returned to my portfolio with no views. Sometimes, the requester will still come back and purchase it a couple of days later though. I think some clients simply want to see all submissions at once, so wait until the request has expired before viewing any articles.
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Re: No Views on a Public Request

Post by Judith »

Thanks to you both! I hadn't had it happen before (still kind of new here) and I wasn't sure.
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Re: No Views on a Public Request

Post by ddhawkins63 »

I would also add that I had one customer that purchased the first article right away. He had a request for several articles under the same topic. I added another one after he bought the first and I didn't hear anything for a month. After about a month, he purchased the second one and then I wrote another after that which the same customer purchased. The customer just may be spacing out the purchases.