Some Stylesheet Questions

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Some Stylesheet Questions

Post by Dayspring »

I've been writing in-house for almost two years now and have fogotten which rules were standard and which are simply our in-house styles. Does CC want words ending in "our" or "or?" Also, what words should not be capitalized in titles?

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Location: Philippines

Re: Some Stylesheet Questions

Post by philh »

Hi Dayspring

You can refresh your memory by reading through the Extended Guidelines page. It contains a lot of useful information to help us all with our writing. For me, it is one of the most useful pages on the site.

For example, regarding your "our" versus "or" question, it states,
British English/American English
We accept either, but please be consistent throughout the piece
That means we should not write about "The Colourful Savior" or "The Humorless Neighbour" as these titles mix British and American Spellings.

Regarding your question about capitalized words, have a look under the sub-heading "Titles" in the Extended Guidelines for more information.

Hope that helps!