article disappeared

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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:55 pm

article disappeared

Post by jott »

Hi, I'm a newbie and I wrote a public request article (my 1st one) and I hit the submit bar at the end of the article and it went into oblivion. My content showed "no articles submitted". I'm not sure what happened. I worked on the article on site throughout the evening, coming back to it several times, putting my laptop to sleep inbetween.? I also don't know how to save it because I didn't see a "save your work" tab or anything like it. Just so you know it's not my first time writing online, I have worked with several other sites but I am befuddled. Help please. I'm wary of writing another article in case I've done something wrong and I lose it again. jott
Posts: 61
Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:46 am

Re: article disappeared

Post by JStone »

You need to write your article and save it on your computer as a word document or other similar file...then you upload the article through the submission procedure.

The box on the submission page is where you copy and paste a portion of your article (or all of it if you prefer), but you still need to upload your saved copy. Don't type your article directly into the boxes on the submission page.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:55 pm

Re: article disappeared

Post by jott »

Thank-you J.Stone, now I can begin to write some articles! Happy wriitng, and nice to hear from you.
J. Ott