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Post by MichelleT »

I submitted my first article last week. It was promptly returned because I had accidentally left the short summary at the top of the body of my article.

I corrected the problem, and resubmitted the article. It has been sitting for several days now with the tag "resubmitted". Does this mean it has not yet even gone into review by an editor? How long does the acceptance process generally take if an article is resubmitted?

I am eager to send more articles, but have read it is best to wait and be certain the first is accepted before sending more.
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by jellygator »

I'd agree that it's best to wait for each one until you've had at least a couple accepted. That may mean some waiting time before you get rolling if you're planning on submitting daily to help keep your acceptance statistics high. (I recently applied for writer pools and because I didn't learn the standards quite quickly enough, I have a much lower acceptance rate than I'm happy seeing. I worry that it will prevent me from entering the pools.)

I've been at CC for just a couple of months. My observation is that the initial review has taken anywhere from 4-11 days, and resubmitted articles are examined again within a much shorter time period - usually just a couple of days and sometimes within hours.
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by Lysis »

DMS has basically cut a lot of writers, so the zombies are everywhere lately. CC's waiting times have gone way up. I want to say it's about a week to 10 days, but I don't keep track really. It's definitely at least a week.
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by mnicol22 »

Well... after you submit an article, there's not much you can do other than wait... My articles took 12 days to be reviewed (and rejected!). When I resubmitted one of them, it got accepted within 2 days! I guess we can't really know when our articles will be reviewed. As far as I'm concerned, I will keep working on articles while waiting because it just seems like a waste of time to wait and see if they'll get accepted first. :?
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by Courtney »

I sometimes wonder if they don't look at the titles and certain types of articles they will review quicker. An article I submitted this morning was accepted within an hour but the two before that took over a week. There seems to be different wait times for different articles. Maybe they go for the ones they think will sell the quickest first?? I had another one that was accepted within hours and then sold within a half hour of acceptance. Just a thought.
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by Lysis »

I've thought that too. They throttle submissions at a certain rate for each section. I'm also sure they have editors assigned to sections and some sections don't get many submissions in comparison to others.
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Re: Resubmitted?

Post by SidSnyder »

Last Sunday I had eight articles accepted, most of them only a few hours or a day or so after being submitted. :D I was happy about that, as the articles were holiday ones that needed to be available for purchasing asap.
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