How long before articles appear in category?

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Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:29 am

How long before articles appear in category?

Post by ConstanceB »


I was wondering why my articles that were accepted recently are not showing up when I go to the category that they were submitted to. I can only find my articles if I type in a keyword that I have tagged my articles with. I'm worried about buyers going to a category, instead of typing keywords, and not seeing any of my articles. My sales have gone way down recently, and I am very worried. I try to write regularly, but I have ME, so I'm not as prolific as other writers. My sales were going in the right direction after writing for CC for a few years, but now I think my work is just getting lost in the masses. I'm disheartened :(
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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:32 am

Re: How long before articles appear in category?

Post by SJHillman »

I wouldn't worry too much about low sales recently. Sales tend to go in a cycle. You may have a few poor months followed by several months of selling almost everything.
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