Question about review

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Question about review

Post by jstevewhite »

Just a quick question - no complaint implied :D

What's the review cycle time nowadays? It's been a year or so since I submitted new articles, but I've got three in the pipeline, and I'm looking for an idea of how long to wait before I wonder if something is wrong. I don't want to stack up a bunch in review if I've dropped the ball on formatting (as has happened in the past).



*clarification: three new submissions, not submitted a year ago...
Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:32 am

Re: Question about review

Post by SJHillman »

It still varies, same as ever. Within the past month, I've had articles take as long as a week or as short as overnight. The average seems to be around two to three days. I have noticed that if you submit a number of articles over a week, they tend to get reviewed all about the same time. In January, I submitted two on the 15th, one on the 16th and two more on the 17th. All were accepted within a 45 minute period on the 18th.
Posts: 112
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 8:16 am

Re: Question about review

Post by jstevewhite »

Ah, thanks. That's exactly what I needed to know!
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