Post to one category only?

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Posts: 32
Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:07 am

Post to one category only?

Post by AteoAltruist »

can I post the same article to different categories? Like, can I post a fitness article in weight loss, and fitness? Or an article on mental health in aging, fitness and mental health? Of course I'd like to increase the chances of being seen by a buyer, but they are relevant in all categories. Is there a way?
Posts: 152
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:32 am

Re: Post to one category only?

Post by SJHillman »

It's best to only submit it to one category, otherwise if it's accepted multiple times then you may have multiple people trying to buy unique or full rights, which would lead to you violating the license. You may also get flagged for plagiarizing yourself.

The right thing to do is choose the category that you feel is the best fit and then use the keywords section to fill in every other possible search term you think is relevant.
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