Byline... help!

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Byline... help!

Post by AteoAltruist »

I'm a life-long lover of reading and writing, but have never submitted anything for publication. Would someone be so kind as to inform me if *I* should write my own byline, or does CC place it in the document? If I put it into the article, does it go beneath the headline, before the body of the txt?? I searched but had no luck finding answers.
I have a million more questions, but I'll take it easy on you guys.
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Re: Byline... help!

Post by Constant »

Welcome to the site! You should include the byline in your document, and it should go under the title.
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:32 pm

Re: Byline... help!

Post by kassiesamp »

Here is a link to a url for a template that Constant Content has provided previously. ... riters.htm - trying pasting the url into the Internet browser bar.

And here is an extract in case the link doesn't work. My undersatnding is that the "byline" is the 2nd line - ie one's name or penname. (It's not a biographical profile - something different again.)

Where to Locate Your Indoor Plants
By Celeste Stewart

We’ve all heard the mantra “location, location, location,” but did you ever consider the location of your house plants? Like any successful business, your plants also rely on location for their success. If you’ve always thought that your lack of a green thumb was to blame for your sorry-looking house plants, take a fresh look at the location of your indoor plants .
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