Constant Content should really post that that is "the standard method for counting words" (or whatever they want to be the standard method, post that) someplace where writers and buyers can both see it, though. That would avoid confusion for sure.
I've used several other word counters (including, which also lists keyword density for the top 10 keywords) and gotten various other results, too. I think MSWord gets confused by hyphens on at least the Macintosh operating system which I use. Also, owning Microsoft Word would then become a requirement of all writers on the site, and I know a lot of anti-Microsoft people who refuse to use MSFT products who still produce .doc and .rtf files just fine from whatever alternative software they're using: the word counts might be different in those alternative software applications, however, if they don't screw up the hyphens.
I'm just babbling, but I think specifying exactly what's counted to users and buyers would be best; and if MSFT Office Word's count is required then we'd all better be using it to at least count the words (quirks and all).