Make money here?

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Make money here?

Post by kokopoko »

Is anyone really making any money here? I did a quick search on cell phone articles and it looks like barely any have been sold.

It would be nice to make $100/day from here. Is anyone doing that?

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »


Keep in mind, most sales are for full rights, so once the article sells, it is removed from the site so doing a search only shows you what is currently available for sale, not what has sold.

And yes, it is possible to make that kind of money here. Some of us are earning a living here, others are happy to earn extra spending money. It doesn't happen overnight and it takes a commitment on your part.

Welcome aboard, good luck!
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Joined: Tue May 08, 2007 10:39 am

Post by kokopoko »

Ah, I didn't realize full rights were the most popular. How do you know what topics will sell and how long to make the article?

That is great to hear people are making a living off here! I had never heard of this site till today, so I'm glad buyers have found it. I'll definitely start writing and posting articles for sale once I figure out what sells.

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Post by cbhrbooth »

<How do you know what topics will sell and how long to make the article? >

Check out the Requested Content page for customers who are requesting certain topics with word lengths they wish to purchase.

If you follow the Recently Sold listings, you'll get an idea of what is selling.

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Post by freelanceprowriter »

If you want proof that people are selling, go to the Authors tab and click on an author (Word Gypsy is inspiring!). You can see how many articles that person has sold under each type of license.

I´ve only recently become active here and I haven´t been writing as much as I want, since I´m looking after a toddler and waiting for a very late baby to arrive, but despite that, I have been selling several articles and just got my first payment on May 1st. So it is possible and I suspect you can earn quite a bit if you really put your mind to it.

By the way, I don´t think there is any way to really know what people will buy, it is all over the map! I´ve sold articles on parenting, health and computers, among others, but there is no set pattern.
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Post by Sarah81 »

There's no one perfect way to figure out what's hot and what's...well...not. :)

I write about whatever is interesting to me at the time. (If I'm not having fun, then what's the point? Writing would be a JOB - eww!)

Anyway. I go through phases where I'll write, say, half a dozen articles about cats. They might sit there for a few days or a few months. Either way, I'm content because they're available and I enjoyed writing them.

But I DO look at the "recently sold content" section as well as the requested content section to get ideas :)
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Post by darcylogan »

When I first came here, I checked the "recently sold content" several times a day. I even kept an active list.

Then, I tried to find articles that fit in that area. I wouldn't try to duplicate the articles sold. I simply tried to find something similar. For example, if I noticed that several articles on cats had sold, I would brainstorm for articles that I might write about.

It can be hit or miss, but generally works.
