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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Celeste Stewart
Posts: 3528
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:28 pm
Location: California

Re: Limbo

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I suspect that there must be more to his rant than he's letting on. . . He mentioned an article rejection in another post (before this one) for a semicolon issue. Seriously, a misplaced semicolon and an editor pointing it out is nothing to get bent out of shape over, but it's at least something more significant than the so-called issue of waiting a week to have an article reviewed.
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:28 am

Re: Limbo

Post by lgonzalez12811 »

I feel so inadequate as I read this post and all the replies. You are all trully masters of the written word. I myself have searched for ways to make money online and have even been scammed out of hundreds of dollars. As a young boy I've always wanted to be a published writer. Although I love to write I realize that it takes money to survive in this world and now that I have children they are my priority. What I'm trying to say is that I've been with CC for several weeks now and I sold my first article last week after many re-writes. The editor took an article with good ideas but bad punctuation and made it an article the customer wanted to purchase. If I can write the way I do and make a sale and you write the way you do but haven't sold anything then perhaps its the content you are writing about that isn't that good. You have a great gift and we all can tell by how well your post is written. I wish I had your talent. Be patient my friend.