Wait Times

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 245
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:39 pm

Re: Wait Times

Post by Evelyn »

Jordan, if you're still reading this forum, I wanted to extend you a big compliment. Too many times, disgruntled would-be writers complain on these forums about how their articles were rejected... and their posts are disjointed ramblings peppered with misused $10 words and strange conspiracy theories. Reading such posts makes my heart ache because I encountered those types of writers in my university's writing program. They ended up bitter and angry and went off to write epic poems in bowers, I think. (By the way, my ex-husband was one of those types.)

You, my friend, will go far in the writing world. Jordan, you stood up for yourself, stayed reasonable and reasonably angry, and followed through on your problem. Keep that attitude and you will find more success and less abuse. I don't know if you're a young/new writer, but it doesn't matter--your opinions are well-thought and your words crystal clear. Good for you.

OK, I just had to give a fellow writer a pat on the back. We need more strong personalities and wise thinkers in the world.
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm

Re: Wait Times

Post by AmyT »

In the past, when I submitted an article for a public request, Ed got it back to me within 24 hours. Is this abnormal? I've only submitted one article to a public request so I have nothing to compare it to. I ask because I just submitted another public-request article yesterday evening and haven't heard anything yet. I did go back and re-upload the file though since I found a punctuation error. However, it was still in the "review" process so I thought it would be okay. Did I "lose my place" in the queue?

No problem with the wait... I'm not complaining. Know that there is lots to edit. Just hope that the customer waits. :)

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Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:34 pm

Re: Wait Times

Post by aprilk10 »

Amy: Weekends around CC are...quiet. :) Sales still continue, but for the most part, I don't think articles are generally reviewed over the weekend. If you submit an article on Friday, it likely won't be reviewed until Monday. Once in a while some reviewing may take place on the weekends, but I think basically Ed has the weekends off...I guess we can't expect him to work 24/7! :D
Posts: 60
Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:21 pm

Re: Wait Times

Post by AmyT »

Thanks for letting me know, April! Yes, it is totally understandable but a bit "oh bother" for me. :) Was hoping to make my first sale soon! :)
