ED - urgent question

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »

Sorry . . . you just didn't include a long summary. but you did the second time!
Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »


Please always include a price in the usage field. I realize that you have already sold these articles and you are submitting revisions . . . but if there is no price in the usage field, they will be available for free to any person who comes along before your customer.

I have changed the usage prices to reflect the full rights price. Edit as needed if necessary.

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Sorry to be nosy but it looks like the customer already purchased the articles and wanted minor changes, correct? If so, he wouldn't want to pay full price again.

What I've done in cases like this is priced my article at .01 with a note in the short summary saying it's for a particular customer's revision request or something like that. That way, the customer can get the article for a penny (that's the only way I know of getting it to them) and not have to pay for something he's already bought.
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Post by grouchy »

Celeste - I was puzzling over how to do this and was clueless, but I knew Ed would get it all on track today. Thanks for the excellent advice, for future reference.

Ed, I know it must seem like I am completely untrainable, but it's not so... sometimes if I put NA it goes through - I see that in other writers' articles. So I thought you could do it either way. And I'm confused about why "use" requires a number but "unique" doesn't. And NA has worked for both in the past, so that seemed the easiest way out. Sorry to keep screwing up.

The submission process requires too much left brain, and I simply don't have enough a good part of the time. :?

Thanks to both of you for your help.
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Location: Amongst the cheddarheads

Post by grouchy »

er, I mean right brain.

Let's blame a frozen brain.
Posts: 4686
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Post by Ed »

I think you haven't had your glass of wine tonight, Grouchy. Better get on that. ;)