Potential Payment / Checkout Problem

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Potential Payment / Checkout Problem

Post by anarch »

I recently sold 2 articles to PC Performance Tools (Reunited: Finding Lost Classmates and Why a Background Check?) and I noted that the client purchased both with exclusive rights @$50 each, but I noticed that both articles are still available "for sale" in my roster. Additionally, the amount in my account does not correspond with two exclusive sales (it's roughly $30 short). Can you please check into this for me? I only noticed it as the client always purchases exclusive rights and it struck me as strange that the articles were still for sale. That's when I checked the recently sold list as well as the amount in my account.

J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

Hi--similar problem. I sold two articles to the same client. It registers the articles as sold and under licenses the items register as paid for; however, my account has not increased. Normally my account reflects a sale immediately when the articles are paid for. As this has never happened before, I'm a bit nervous. I tried to contact you with an "author problem" but the message somehow won't go through and I get an error page. So, that's why I'm posting here. Could you check it out? Thanks, J.
Eliza Ferree
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Post by Eliza Ferree »

I noticed this last week when a bunch of us sold articles. It even showed pending in my account, later when I checked my account it had disappeared. I checked the recently sold area and everyone's were gone. Guess they decided not to buy them after all. :(
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

These are not pending articles. I've had many of those--either payment eventually comes through or the articles revert back to unsold status. This is peculiar because the articles show a time/date of payment. They sold for full rights; however, under "my content" they still appear "for sale." Could admin check this out. I haven't been paid for these two although, again, it shows under licences that the customer has paid for them. Thanks, J.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

same here - Dr.Watson errors sold for full rights, paid for, but still availabe for purchase and $ not applied to my account.

I noticed right around that time that the site was acting really screwy, couldn't upload and got weird page not found errors. Must've been some sort of glitch as the transaction occurred. Like the final step needed didn't happen. I'm sure CC will figure it out....
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

Yes--the site was acting up which is why I think some kind of error happened. I had trouble uploading an article too and the rest of the site seemed bogged down somehow. I'm chalking it up to techinical difficulties which I'm sure CC will figure out. --J.
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Post by anarch »

*nods* I noticed that the site seemed really bogged down at the time too. Has anyone had this problem since that glitch or is it just those of us who sold articles right around that one time frame?

I know I'm going to be going back through and double-checking all my sales since last payment, just to make sure that I'm not missing any more anywhere.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Well, now they just bought a new series of articles I posted today but they bought Dr. Watson again...probably because it's still posted as being for sale....Yikes! I hate to see them pay for the article twice. They're buying so many articles that are similar I know it must be a nightmare for them to keep track. Hopefully this will get figured out soon.
J. A. Young
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Post by J. A. Young »

I noticed that too--one glitch can really mess things up. I haven't heard anything yet so maybe they are trying to get to the bottom of it. I usually trust the accounting process so this little bug is scary. Technically, your Watson like my sex offender tutorials should have been removed so this repeat buying couldn't happen.

Talk about a depressing topic though. I'm writing these things because they are helpful to researchers--and of course, they sell--but it's been an education for me at the same time. I noticed Gypsy took on the divorce records, but that can't be happy camping either. What a world.

When is the book review customer going to come along needing 1000+ articles. What a dream job that would be. --J :D
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Post by kjwelcome »

I'm having similar issues. PC Performance Tools bought a list of my articles at the same time, all of them full rights. But only the first article in the list is showing as "sold exclusively." I got an email that that first article was sold, and the money went into my account. But there's a whole bunch of other articles purchased simultaneously for full rights that are still showing "for sale," and still no money in my account. Hmm. Hope this gets sorted out soon, it worries me when money is missing. :(
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I wouldn't worry, the guys here are great, they'll get it all sorted out!

Ugh, sex offenders and divorce, you're right, what depressing topics but like you say you are helping people! I've been doing more of the computer error articles so I haven't had to get into heavy stuff lately.

I used to work on videos about gang prevention/intervention for the county school system and that was really depressing. I was the video editor and had to deal with police and autopsy photos of kids and gang members killed in drivebys and other horrendous violence. Yes, the part about helping was good but seeing the images was sad.

I've been lucky and have been able to work on some really fun topics lately including the computer ones (computers are fun to me)! I had a super sweet assignment a few weeks ago that was a blast to write.

OK - back to writing, the week's almost over!
Aariana Adams
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Post by Aariana Adams »

I've had an odd situation today. I submitted an article for request and when I click the link, within the request, my article does not come up. I'm sent to the logout/loggin page (altho I am logged in). I'm assuming since I cannot see the article, the customer cannot see it either.

I submitted another article for a different request, and can click the link and see the article. At least I'm not missing a payment - but yes, whatever is going on, cc will make it right.

Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

I've had that happen a few times. Usually if I went to the "about the authors" section and clicked my name the link for the article would be correct in the list of available articles. I would then copy and paste the link into the request area and ask the customer to please copy and paste to see the article. I didn't know the link wasn't working until the customer told me.

I also emailed tech support to fix it but the customer did his cutting and pasting (and buying!) before tech support had a chance to fix it.
Aariana Adams
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Post by Aariana Adams »

Celeste, thanks for this info. I was able to choose my article from the article "Look-Up" and it appears to attach - but isn't actually there. Were you able to let the customer know, at least, the name of the article or did it not show at all in article "Look-Up"? Is that why you did a "copy and paste" from your portfolio?

I appreciate your input. I guess time will fix this.
Celeste Stewart
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Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yes, it was in the look up like you say -- but something was missing in the link so the link didn't work. But in the regular listing you could click the link there and go to the actual page and copy the address.

For example, your latest article is located here:

http://www.constant-content.com/article ... -New-Home/

I suspect a character is somehow missing on the look up feature when you post to the requester. Maybe because the title is long -- both of mine that were funky like that had long titles such as, "Five articles on Blah Blah Blah Blah" and what ended up happening was the final "/" didn't show up on the "looked up" link. If that makes any sense! Ugh, just got over a 2 hour temper tantrum with my five year old, so I'm not exactly coherent right now :lol:

I let the customer know by copying and pasting the true address like I did with your recent submission above. It did show in my look up list but the link was incomplete.