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Content for Reprint site

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:51 pm
by CRDonovan
Hi everyone, quick question: Is anyone familiar with the "Content for Reprint" site, or the "" site? I ask because I tracked one of my articles, for which I sold full rights, by googling the title. The first hit was for an environmental webiste. I believe this might be the purchaser because I recognize another article that was requested and sold at the same time.

But then I also see the article at the above two sites, attributed as "published' by some writer, who offers the content to be distributed free. Hmmm. This seems a little odd to me. Any thoughts or experience with either of these sites?


Re: Content for Reprint site

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:31 pm
by Ed
If the two articles published by someone else have links in them, someone might be trying to direct traffic. I'm not familiar with either of those sites, and at this point, I don't know why anyone would be offering content for free except for traffic-driving purposes. Google doesn't care for duplicate content, so if this is a case of plagiarism, it's in the customer's best interest to pursue this if it is a case of plagiarism. However, most of us know how difficult it is to realize results in plagiarism cases on the web.

I'm not familiar with either of those sites, so maybe someone else can offer insight.


Re: Content for Reprint site

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:51 pm
by CRDonovan
Hi Ed, thanks for your feedback. I looked again at the UPublish site and the Content for Reprint. Neither includes links in the copies of the article. Whereas the same article appearing in the environmental site does have links. Not knowing who bought it makes it tough to know what is going on. I believe the environmental site bought it, but I don't know what connection they have, if any, with the other sites, or the writer who is hawking the article. I see UPublish says they publish only "original content" so it all seems fishy, and troubling.

Of course, if someone buys full rights, puts their name on the by line and resells it that is their right to do. But if someone did not buy it and is just reprinting somehow and distributing then that sucks. They are stealing from me and from the customer who purchased it And it's puzzling, because I agree with you, it's hard to see what's in it for them, if they are distributing it for free.