are their profiles for content buyers?

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Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:14 pm

are their profiles for content buyers?

Post by Beelissa »

I see the list of articles I've sold, and it lists the screen name for the buyers. Is there any place, like a profile page, where I might learn more info about the people/companies who bought my articles?

Posts: 406
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:35 am

Re: are their profiles for content buyers?

Post by Constant »

Hi Melissa!
As of right now consumer's don't have profiles, but that is one of things on our wish list over the next few months. We would love to see everyone with a profile so it was easier for people to let everyone know what they want out of the site. Keep your eyes open for the changes as they come down the pipe.

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Re: are their profiles for content buyers?

Post by Beelissa »

Thanks for writing back. Is there any way to find out about someone who purchased an article I wrote?
Posts: 406
Joined: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:35 am

Re: are their profiles for content buyers?

Post by Constant »

We can't give out information about the purchasers, but I know that lots of writers keep track of their writing by googling it after some reasonable time has passed so that the search engines have had time to index it.
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Re: are their profiles for content buyers?

Post by rcashdan »

This is one of the most interesting topics I have seen on the Forum. Hope the Customer Profiles will soon be up.