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Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:59 am
by damyanti
I had an article "Online dating for single mothers" sell for usage rights. Then, after a while, the same client bought the same article for unique rights.

But he/she did not pay fully for the unique rights. The usage was 15 usd, and the unique was 22 usd. The client bought the unique (after having bought the usage) for 22usd-15usd= 7 usd.

I was wondering if a client can just "upgrade" by paying the difference? Earlier, the same article bought by the same client for different rights(usage or fullrights) had to be paid for twice, according to the correct rates.

Is there a change in policy? Please help.

Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:32 am
by Ed
Hi Damyanti,

Yes, I believe this is a feature that customers can take advantage of if they like the article. It was put in place shortly before the takeover by the new company. I agree that it would be helpful having documentation that said as much. I'll put that into the "must have" list for CC.


Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:09 am
by damyanti
Hi Ed,
Thanks for the prompt answer. Sigh. I guess it makes complete sense from the client's viewpoint.

I guess a policy change is a policy change, and we have to live with it. What I am curious to know however, is whether there is any deadline by which this kind of "upgrade" can take place? Or can a client come back weeks/ months later and still avail of this feature?

That is a bit scary, because the same article could be made available to a different client who would pay the complete price, whether unique or full-rights.


Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:47 am
by Ed
No idea. Let me see if I can get an answer.

Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:55 am
by Ed
It also makes sense from the writer's perspective - isn't it better to have a unique purchase for more money than a usage one? Customers are less likely to purchase unique or full rights after someone else owns the usage price to the article. If the customer likes the article enough to pay you more money for it, you both win.

Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:25 pm
by damyanti
I guess it does make some sense for writers, too, Ed. Just that for some strange reason I find that my sold usage articles usually get sold for other rights too:)

Do let me know if you find out anything about a policy of a "deadline" by which the "upgrade" can happen.

Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:45 pm
by Ed
I asked Support, but haven't yet received a response. Hopefully, we'll get clarification right here on the forum.

Re: Article for use bought for unique rights by same client

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:31 pm
by Constant
The upgrade feature is an important part of the consumer experience on the site. I understand the confusion and it simply illuminates the need for us to have a better area to communicate changes and how they work. There are certainly some bugs to be ironed out with regards to this feature but we are working on it today and will continue plugging away at this site, until its no longer the rickety old ship it is now and will rise like the phoenix, smooth, fast and efficient. Keep letting us know when you have problems with the site and where you think it needs improvement.