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About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:44 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Here's my conundrum:

I have the opportunity to write several articles for a customer based on article written for Public Request.
When I submitted the 1st article (with his cost being at $30-$40 for fullrights), I set it for $35 Usage, and $35 Full Rights. It went through on my first attempt to "Submit Article". Since the customer is going to purchase several articles, I reduced my rate to $30 per article for 600-700 words, as I'm just getting my feet wet in the paid writing market.

However, today, I tried to submit my 2nd article for his request. I put in $30 Usage, and $30 Full Rights. Hit the Submit button, and it said "CHECK FULL RIGHTS PRICE". It's a 690-word piece. I tried again 3x more. Same result. Not until I changed Full Rights Price to $40, and selected Best Offer, did the Submission go through. This is frustrating not only because it should be up to the individual author how much they wish to charge, but also because, instead of keeping all the previous selections on the submission page, it dumps everything, and you have to go back through and choose Article Categories, set price again, rewrite the Short Summ, and repaste the Article to the Sample window.

I don't see how lowering my rate by $5, made so much difference. If some authors can sell their usage rights for pennies, why can't I, as a beginning author, decide not to charge astronomically for Full Rights. They're my rights, are they not?

Also, it's not only an inconvenience for me, it's also going to inconvenience the customer, as he will have do the "Best Offer" process, rather than having a seamless transaction. That's probably doesn't bode well for someone, especially a customer who has purchased hundreds of articles from CC. Is there some way to avoid this quirk, and does this go away when doing Private Work requests?

Thanks for any suggestions!! :)


Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:52 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I've never had that happen to me. Strange. Try going in and editing the submission. You can change the prices once it's approved. Go to Your Content, find the article, click Edit, and then change the price.

Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:29 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Thank you, Celeste! That worked. Figures, I tend to freak out before I explore ALL my possible options for fixing things! :)


Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:23 am
by Ed
That IS strange and shouldn't be happening. If it happens again, please say so, and I'll make sure the right people know. If it hasn't happened again, maybe someone discovered the error and fixed it.


Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:45 pm
by DSWaltenburg
It's actually the 2nd time it's happened. The other was with an article 2 wks back. However, difference was that I set the full rights price at $100, and usage at $25 or something (can't remember exactly any more), and had to keep doing it over until the system felt the full rights price was in line with the word count (which was 775 or so)? I haveth no clue. But, as Celeste suggested, you can go back in and edit the price, after it's submitted, and set the prices as you see fit. Just not BEFORE hitting the Submit button.

So, if it does happen again, I'll send a note to support, and give them all the gory details.


Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 10:19 am
by Ed
Thanks - let's hope this doesn't become a widespread/usual problem.

Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:43 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Unfortunatelyyyyyyyyyyy, it happened again when I submitted an article on Saturday (at least I think that's when it was....I live in the Twilight Zone....) however, having a raging case of ADD, I totally forgot to send a note to support, but I'll do it tonight when I submit another article, for the same project. I'm just glad it's easily fixable on the author side, so that it doesn't affect buyers and cause huge amounts of inconvenience for them!!



Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:47 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I had a similar thing just now - "Check title, check unique price." Turns out I had accidently typed my title into the "Suggest new category" field. I kept changing the title and puzzling over it. Duh! Finally, I realized I must have tabbed over one field too many. MOved the title from the wrong field to the correct one and my problems were solved. I never did anything with the price fields. Any chance something similar is happening with you?

Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:18 pm
by DSWaltenburg
No such luck, even though that sounds exactly like something I would do.

I don't know, maybe CC has some parameters for pricing worked into the script, and if the price is set too low for the word count, then it rejects the submission? But then that doesn't make sense either, because then it'd be impossible to change the price AFTER the submission has been sent.

I went back through each time, and redid it all from top to bottom, and the only thing that worked was setting the full rights price at $5-10 higher than the usage price. I had it happen with another one where I set the usage and full rights price probably way higher than normal for the word count, and it also rejected it.

Being the neophyte, I just get to finnagle with all these things, until I figure out what I'm allowed to do and what I'm not :)

Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:28 pm
by Celeste Stewart
It is quite strange. The other day, I tried pricing a submission lower on purpose to try to replicate your situation and it was business as usual for me with no issues. (I then deleted the fake submission since it was just a test.) Very odd. Hopefully, support will figure it out for you soon.

Re: About Setting Prices for Full Rights Licenses

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:55 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Thanks for testing it out!

Maybe I'll just blame it on the fact that I live in the boonies, with no connection options but dial-up, and the underwhelming speed with which my pages load is making all my CC functions develop glitches!

If the Amish can have cell phones, why can't the phone and internet companies provide broadband or DSL to those of us who choose to live outside of cities? Do they NOT realize how much money they're flushing down the technological toilet by ignoring country folk?

O well.

I apparently should shut up's 3AM, and I'm developing a serious case of the loopies!
Have a good night, day, etc.
