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What topics to write on?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:03 am
by WordDoctor
First time author here...

Just wanting to know, how do you identify the most 'sellable' topics to write on? Obviously, I write for the love of it, but I'm keen to make a buck and would love some suggestions from the top dogs?

I'm seriously considering taking a month off and creating thousands of high quality articles...Is it really that straight forward?

Warmest Regards,


Re: What topics to write on?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:29 am
by Celeste Stewart
Welcome! The most 'sellable' topics are those that have been requested because there's a customer right there asking for the content. Some customers post requests for dozens of articles at a time. While you may not sell each one you write for a public request right away, you may likely sell them down the road.

Popular topics come and go, often based on what customers are actively seeking at the time. Real estate and mortgage articles seem to be pretty steady. Keep an eye on the Recently Sold list and Requested Content list each day and you'll be better able to spot trends.

Good luck! It's a lot of fun.

Re: What topics to write on?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:00 am
by melissan
Although not a top dog, I might have a few bits to offer. It can be easy to write and sell, but I would suggest quality over quantity. For me, I make more money per hour for more thought out, detailed content. It is exciting to sell an article, but if I sell an article for $5-10 (which I have done), the quick excitement is quickly overtaken by regret that I didn't ask for more or work a little harder to make the article more interesting.

Can you make money? Of course. Right now my CC money is more like pocket change, but I have a very busy work life and can only write at 4 am (when I have insomnia like right now), or weekends. I think that CC has a huge potential and have received better than average pay for the articles I've sold.