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Quick Question...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:34 pm
by Mickeylayne
Hi there! I know I saw it somewhere, but I've been searching for the last 15 minutes and can't find it....there's a place here somewhere that tells what the various prices indicate that we place on our work...what "usage fee," "unique fee," and "full rights" means. Can someone tell me where to go and find that info?

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:39 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Try the FAQs --
There's a chart explaining the different rights. (Ignore the "free" license - that needs to go away because it's no longer an option.)

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:47 pm
by Mickeylayne
thanks, Celeste, I found it. I thought I saw a guidelines about how to price your articles, but I can't find that either. Do you know where that is? Sorry.should have asked you about it with the first post.

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:24 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I know you can find a link to that when you submit an article though I'm not sure where it is elsewhere. Honestly, pricing is tough and few price their articles using that particular chart.

Here are some thoughts to ponder:

Think about what your time is worth - did an article take you an hour to write? Is your time worth $10, $20, $30, $40 (and so on) bucks an hour (less the CC cut)? Figure out how much you want to earn for the time spent and then mark that amount up by 35% to account for the CC commission. Set that as your unique or full rights price. For example, if you want to earn $20 per hour for an article that took you one hour to write, then you'll need to charge close to $30 to get that amount. For usage, figure that you'll need to sell the article X amount of times to make the hourly wage you want and then divide your full rights price by X. For example, if your full rights price is $30 and you think your article might sell three times for usage, than try $10 for use. If it sells three times, you've earned out your full rights price - anything else is gravy.

Another strategy is to price by word only. Maybe you want to charge $.0.10 per word on full rights, $0.06 per word on unique, and $0.03 per word on use. This makes it fairly easy to figure out how much to charge - but always keep in mind your ultimate cut. A $100 article sold really means $65 in your bank account.

I use a simple spreadsheet that calculates prices for me based on my requirements and highly recommend that everyone do the same.

The main thing is to find a range that you can live with that accounts for your time as well as the CC percentage - meanwhile balancing what customers are willing to pay. Told you it was tricky!

Re: Quick Question...reply

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:26 pm
by Mickeylayne wow. This information is so good, I'm going to save it to my desktop and refer to it time and time again. I can't thank you enough. I'd never thought of any of this. Yes, I tend to jump in with both feet, THEN look for the sharks. Most of the time, they've already chewed off my feet before I can climb out. This time, I may make it out with both feet.
Yes, it is tricky. I was going to re-submit the articles tonight, but I have to do some thinking on this now. I have another article completed and ready to turn in. Going to think on that one as well. Once I submit something, I hate to re-think it, and regret decisions. Thanks again! You're a Godsend!

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:54 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Glad to help, but don't get paralyzed either if you know what I mean. Try a few different things, take a few risks, gather knowledge, keep learning, and keep on writing. You'll find the CC forum is filled with people willing to share and encourage each other - you're off to a great start so dive in - you can always go back and edit your submissions and prices as you go.

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:41 am
by Ed
Excellent advice as usual.

Re: Quick Question...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:22 pm
by cgardener
So strange, I was just wondering how to price my articles, did a search on the forums and VOILA!

Thanks for the info. It's just what I wanted to find.