Figured it Out!!!

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:30 pm

Figured it Out!!!

Post by Mickeylayne »

I'm extremely tired, but I figured it out, thanks to all the patient souls who helped me. Blessings on you all! I figured out what I was doing wrong in MS Word, and thanks to Celeste, I'm now emplowered by the help button...desperately needed with the new Word program. I have all three of my articles saved on the desktop as: Microsoft Office Word 97 - 2003 Documents! I hope that's the format acceptable for submissions. Thanks to DS, I think I'm ready to face the Categories part of the submission page. So..onward! My illustrations were accepted and they're now viewable. I'm submitting the three articles tonight, and we'll see. Again. Thank you. From the bottom of my submitting-challenged heart. (Okay...I needs help. But it fit. Like...uh...sentence fragments, sometimes fit.)
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Figured it Out!!!

Post by Celeste Stewart »

MS Word 2007 IS exhausting, isn't it? Eventually, you'll come to love it but stuff like the microscopic help link and the complete rearrangement of all of the tools have slowly driven me insane. Glad I could point you in the right direction before the same fate happened to you. I recently found out that you can download a small add-on file that gives you the option of viewing the old Word 2003 menus in Word 2007-- it's too late for me as going back would be equally frustrating but maybe someone else might like it.

Good luck with your submissions! I know it's been a challenge beyond the norm.
Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:30 pm

Re: Figured it Out!!!/reply

Post by Mickeylayne »

so glad I didn't give up. All thanks to you and a few others who didn't call me the same things my old boss used to call me. I was so frustrated. I just finished submitting everything. If it all goes through, whew! A milestone. I'm sure I'll come to love the new Word. It's just getting used to everything, I suppose. Things like this make middle-aged people like me sleep exceptionally well at night...sort of like my dog after he's been at the park with his frisbee for a few hours. I'm going to bed. *yawn*