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Here we go again...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:23 pm
by Mickeylayne
I just submitted three articles, and I realize I did something wrong. I forgot to space between the paragraphs, and I indented. Is there a way to "pull them back?" Or should I simply re-submit. Will they get tired of seeing my re-submissions?

Re: Here we go again...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:29 pm
by Celeste Stewart
You can edit them so long as they haven't been approved yet. Go to "YOur COntent" and you'll see a list of all submissions. Click Edit (off to the right). From there, you can edit the summaries, prices etc... You can even remove the current attached file and then re-upload the new and improved one. Just make sure to do this in steps. For example, change your prices or edit the summaries and click SAVE Changes. Next, remove the old file. YOu'll see a message saying the file has been removed. Now, upload the new file. Click Upload New File (or something like that) and wait for the confirmation screen saying the file has been uploaded successfully.

Night-night! It's getting late here too.

Re: Here we go again...reply

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:46 am
by Mickeylayne
Thanks for your help. I pulled the articles to do the adjustments. Only THEN did I realize that the short summaries went with them. I'd worked so hard on those, too. Oh well. That's what I get for not reading more carefully. And I don't have a Wayback Machine....sob