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A couple of questions

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:14 pm
by Beaver
Hi, i'm new to constant content, i have a couple of questions, firstly, how long does a review normally take to process and secondly, my content is customised content rather than general content, how can i get this message across to potential buyers without the risk as been seen as soliciting for work, any advice greatly appreciated, thanks

Re: A couple of questions

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:07 pm
by Beaver
My content still not reviewed... No reply to my post.. Think i just about give up lol

Re: A couple of questions

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:17 pm
by Celeste Stewart
It's the weekend, so we're all out having fun and just periodically checking in.

It takes anywhere from one to three days for submissions to be reviewed. Sometimes more, sometimes less.

I'm not sure what you mean about customized content. I'm guessing maybe you have something in mind like [insert your company name here] articles? I suppose that's doable. For example, if you were to create a basic article about how companies are becoming more environmentally friendly and you want the customer to be able to have it customized to meet their needs you might write it as so:

"[Insert your company name here] is Going Green"

[Company Name] believes that the future is green and is taking drastic, eco-friendly steps to do something about it. According to [CEO name], "Not only are we saving the Earth, we're saving money." blah blah blah. blah blab hlab. [Company name] customers have embraced the changes. . .blah blah blah.

Re: A couple of questions

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:31 pm
by Beaver
My content is website logos, banner ads, avatars etc. But i feel my potential customers will want more customised designs, with their website url etc. What i'm saying is i want to fullfill these requirements without solicitin for work

Re: A couple of questions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:18 pm
by Beaver
One more thing.. My content has bed reviewed but its not in my saved documents and no reject email received.. Does this mean i've been rejected or accepted?

Re: A couple of questions

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:26 pm
by DSWaltenburg
I think that probably means your submission was rejected. Currently, there is a huge glitch going on with the email notification system, and thusly you just have to keep checking your Account Status page, and if a submission disappears, post your question with regard to a specific rejection on that particular thread. There's a post about the email problem in the Blog, which you can get to from here. Just look up.......

If it was a picture, or an illustration that you submitted, you may want to double check your image sizes, to make sure they meet CC's Photo/Illus. guidelines, as well as going thru the rest of the guidelines, just to make certain you haven't missed something during the submission process.

Rock on.
