Three strike rule?

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Three strike rule?

Post by cgardener »

I was reading the "eureka" thread, and someone mentioned a "three strike" rejection rule. Could someone direct me to an explanation, or explain it to me? It just makes me paranoid, because I don't want to get booted! I just got here!
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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by DSWaltenburg » ... itions.htm

HOWEVER...................In the Terms, it does NOT specifically state 3 x.....just "consistent abuse..."....

If you look at the "Questions About Rejections" thread, under Writers/Author Forum, however, there is a post in there.....(I think the title says "I've had 3 rejections and my account is now suspended" or something like that.....and inside that particular post, there is a reply from Ed, that DOES specifically state 3x.

So.....I'm not sure where it's stated "Officially"....but if Ed says it, I'd take it to be official :)

I feel like using lots o' dots...............tonight..............


With the 3-strike rule, it encompasses mainly article rejections based on writing errors (grammar, syntax, spelling, etc.), and less on technical fouls, such as forgetting to attach a file, forgetting to choose a category, etc., however, it's good to get the hang of the the technical process fairly quickly, so as not to peeve the editor! And it probably doesn't bear repeating, but just the same, I'm still a noob, so I'm sure I've probably missed some important tidbit of info.

Rock on :)

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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by cgardener »

So, if you get three rejections during what time period? Now I'm all paranoid, and wanna go back and recheck all my submissions. I don't think I did anything wrong, but who's to know? I read someone had an article rejected because they didn't capitalize the title properly.
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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by DSWaltenburg »

Chill. The Dude abides. :) (Sorry, couldn't resist my Lebowski for today)

If your submissions have already been accepted then you're home free.

If, and reread, and reread again, the writing submission guidelines. You'll be cool as long as you've got an intro, a conclusion, a properly capitalized Title, and all your articles attached.

It's seriously up to Ed and any other editors (though I'm not sure if there ARE any other editors....). I've had rejections for imbocilic mistakes like my imagining that one sentence would pass for an acceptable introduction.. :D, and forgetting some techie point....but he's not going to kick you to the curb out of sheer glee. From my EXCEPTIONALLY LIMITED experience here, he's a good guy, and he'll also give you feedback here in the forum, if you should get a rejection...on the "Rejection" thead. Thread, too.

These are some kick-a$$ people here.....they're very helpful, and don't get all pissy-like. Don't freak!!

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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by audrabianca »

Two things to make you smile. #1 We don't know if our dear Ed is a he or a she because Ed has never said. #2 Ed can get frustrated without enough coffee because Ed has typed that before. Ed is a great person. One day I would like the mystery to be solved though to put me out of my suspense.
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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by Lor »

Re: The who is Ed kunundrum....
This reminds me of Miss Snark. Did anyone here ever read her blog?
She gave brutal critiques on writer's works, but always remained mysterious.
She is actually an agent and indeed a woman as it turns out. ( I know people who know people) Much kinder to writers, I hear.
Sadly, Miss Snark no longer keeps that blog, but echoes of her scathing commentary
still ring in some author's ears. She wrote with a quit-wit and a snappy pen. Always fun to read.
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Re: Three strike rule?

Post by Ed »

You can review the registration agreement here - the document to which you are referring: