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About Orders.....

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:29 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Riddle me this:

How long does an order stay in this status: "order being processed -Unpaid"

This customer sent me an offer, I accepted. Over a day later, they came back, and apparently sat my article in their cart, and then walked away, leaving it to roll around in the back aisles. :(

I sent a note to support, asking the same thing....and didn't really get an answer to my question above. ??

Anyone have a clue? It's been in this status for over 2 days now.....It says I've sold the license, however, it's still viewable on my Profile.

Thanks for your insight, in advance! :)


Re: About Orders.....

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:41 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I've had this happen quite a few times - though never with an offer or a random customer. Mine have mostly involved private requests where I knew for sure the customer wanted the article. In fact, they would say something like, "I'm trying to buy your article but it's not going through." Glitch! Usually, support handles it once I let them know to look into it with order #, article title, etc... Not sure what they do or if the customer has to do something on their end as well.

Also, some "unpaid/processing" orders do go through several days after the fact. I believe this is related to the payment type. For example, if the customer pays with a PayPal e-Check rather than a credit card, then the payment takes several days to officially clear. If your customer says, "I got a strange error code when trying to buy your content," then a glitch is most likely. Other scenarios, I'm not sure and I'd check with support.

Re: About Orders.....

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:05 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Ohhhhhhhh. Didn't think about the Payment Type thing. Maybe that's it. I'll give it another day, and then write Support again, to see what's up. Thanks Celeste :)

Re: About Orders.....

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:25 am
by DSWaltenburg
So, here we are, six more days have passed, and still it remains 'sold-but unprocessed'.

I've written support, again 2 days ago... but have yet to receive a response.

Anyone have a clue? I think 2 weeks would be more than sufficient time to process payment in form of an eCheck.

Here's the info:


order being processed

