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Foolproof Email System?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:10 pm
by Ed
Hi Writers,

Those of you who are getting your emails without any problems, what email program are you using? Gmail? Something else? We know Yahoo doesn't like the emails . . . sometimes.

What would be your suggestion for those who want to set up an account that will allow them to get their emails from CC?


Re: Foolproof Email System?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:36 pm
by Celeste Stewart
I use my highspeed ISP email account which is and get *most* emails from CC. I also have Trend Micro's PC-cillin Internet Security Suite which includes Spam filters. I added "" to the "approved senders" section which means that my security software will allow any email from through.

I use Windows Live Mail (which is the latest incarnation of Outlook Express) as my email client. There's a Safe Senders setting under Tools>Safety Options where you can add allowed senders. I haven't felt the need to add CC to this yet as most of my CC emails go through but other writers may want to try it out.

Re: Foolproof Email System?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:01 pm
by Nessiee
I'm using Hotmail and as far as I know all the messages are going through fine. I don't remember ever having troubles with getting my messages from Constant-Content with that email provider. I do have on my safe senders list though, so that might have something to do with it.

Re: Foolproof Email System?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:51 pm
by Amy W
I use the e-mail account from my service provider - Bell Sympatico since I'm in Canada - and I use Outlook Express to read all the e-mails. I did have a problem before with receiving e-mails, but whether through magic or the hard-working tech guys at CC, it resolved itself. Now I get every single e-mail sent out. Maybe whatever they did to my account need to be done to other people's accounts, as well?


Re: Foolproof Email System?

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:57 pm
by cgardener
I use Gmail. I never have many problems getting announcements from sites, although some are long delayed, it seems. For instance, on one site, I almost always deal with comments daily, but it takes them at least three days for a notification to get through. I've had that happen on Gmail with other notifications as well, such as joining a site, where it would take overnight to get the validation email.

I also can set an address as "safe", but I haven't had to with CC.