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Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:21 pm
by DSWaltenburg

As of today, I have now received two Best Offer bids on the same article, by the same customer. I accepted the first, and then asked here in the forum about the procedure after accepting. And waited. No purchase from customer. Today, the customer made a second offer, and upped it by $3, so this leads me to believe that he/she never received notice that his/her first bid was accepted.

They had a Public Request up last week, however, now it is gone, so I can't contact them via the Q&A. I'm assuming by their user name that they are utilizing YaBLOOEY as their email server, and thusly are probably not receiving any CC emails???? Don't customers receive messages on CC as well?

I'm puzzled. Hoping someone in the trenches of Support or the rest of the other side of my monitor can help? :)

I'd hate to see us lose business because they can't get responses to their offer bids, or other communications on the site. I've sent a note to request with their user name, and hopefully someone in Support can contact them personally to let them know that their bid was accepted? Le Grr.


Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:52 pm
by DSWaltenburg
Now it's really gone askew.......and I'm certain they are contacting support....because now it shows that they have purchased the same article TWICE for the two prices....????????????????? Oy.

Going to dive under my bed now and hide with the dust bunnies.

Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:19 pm
by Lor
Poor you. Sounds like a doozer of a muddle. Hope someone sorts this out for you quickly. Good luck

Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:19 pm
by Nessiee
I saw that and thought they might have been your articles... I'm sure that support will get it sorted out at some point though. *fingers crossed*

Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:27 pm
by DSWaltenburg
I feel badly for the customer :( I don't know how that could have happened....with it being for Full Rights, you'd think that if it was purchased once, the system wouldn't allow it to be repurchased....?!?! EEEk.

Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:41 pm
by Nessiee
I figure normally something like this wouldn't be allowed, but perhaps it is a bug with the offer system that wasn't previously known. Hopefully once word of this gets back to the site developers, they can code something into the site to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Re: Another Technical Foul....about Best Offers

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 3:12 pm
by Gail Kavanagh
I have long suspected a glitch with Best Offers - I get many offers, but no sales, and have been wondering if the client knew I had accepted the offer.