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Question about sample text

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:37 am
by cgardener
I was wondering if when submitting sample text of an article, we could use the ... not only at the end, but throughout to indicate missing text, so that we could include a sample of various sections of the article? It might provide the customer with a better idea of the complete article content, so that they would know better if they want to buy it.

In articles that have a certain number of items, such as "ten reasons...", it seems that they need to see more than 1/3 of the article, which could only have 3 or 4 entries.

I know that if I were buying an article, I would want to see more than just the first 1/3 or even 1/2 of it, especially for longer articles. That surely indicates writing style and proficiency, but some customers may be looking for more to convince them to buy.

Re: Question about sample text

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:59 am
by Nessiee
For some of my articles, I break them up to show the different sections. I'll use phrases like "...skipping ahead..." for places in the middle of my sample text that I'm omitting and "...article continues..." once I get to the bottom of the sample text if there is still more of my article from that point.

For the kind of articles that list "Top-10 Whatevers..." I tend to include a portion of them from the article, but list the titles of the rest of them.

I tend to use something like this:

Intro of article

#1 - Number One
This is the description for the first point.

#2 - Number Two
This is the description for the second point.

#3 - Number Three
This is the description for the third point.

#4 - Number Four
...full description included in article...

#5 - Number Five
...full description included in article...

#6 - Number Six
...full description included in article...

#7 - Number Seven
This is the description for the seventh point.

#8 - Number Eight
This is the description for the eight point.


Hopefully that makes sense :)

Re: Question about sample text

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:06 pm
by cgardener
Yes, thank you, that makes a lot of sense. I just didn't know we were allowed to do that. I'll surely do it in the future, and hopefully, it will help me sell more articles.

Now, can we change that long description without resubmitting the article?

Re: Question about sample text

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:07 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Yes. Go to Your Content, find the article, click Edit.

Re: Question about sample text

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:09 pm
by cgardener
Thanks Celeste. You usually have all the answers. :)