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list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:37 pm
by workdale1
Registered Author, but brand new here. Don't know where this goes, so I'm posting it under "Questions & Answers".

Someplace on this web site is a list of "Public Requests", I believe.
I sincerely feel that I saw at least one partial page listing of them today.
However, I was deeply involved in chasing another topic, so I blew past it.

Now I can't find it any more. My forum search for "+find +public +requests" (all words required, please) yielded 323 results, ALL of which were partials because he said that the words "find" & "requests" were too common to search for.

On your Blog, I did find this :
"That said we wanted to roll out a new way to check up on the latest Public Requests. So, we’ve built a News feed that you can add to your News/RSS reader. You can find the new URL at ... quests.xml "
But clicking that link gave me this :
"Internet Explorer cannot display this feed
This feed contains code errors. Go back to the previous page.
More information
An invalid character was found in text content. Line: 127 Character: 99"

Anyway, here is my question : How do I get to the page listing Public Requests"?

And as a side effect of this, perhaps repairing the link I clicked and/or putting a "Site Map" on here for folks searching for topics might be helpful?

Thank you,
pen name Max Pilgrim

Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 2:04 pm
by Celeste Stewart
A link to the Public Requests section is on the left hand side of the screen. You need to be logged into the site though in order to see it. Since the site kicks us off after just a few minutes (grumble grumble), it's possible that you got logged off and that's why you can't see it.

Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:19 am
by jak
It's not called Public Requests there though. You have to click on Requested Content. The Public Requests come up beneath one Private Request which you should ignore as it is a mistake.

Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:33 am
by workdale1
Thanks for that help - I found it.

So of course, that prompts another question : Are ALL those requests "Live"?
I.e., here is one dated 3/26/08 "Need Articles Fast", requesting 5 articles. Are authors to assume that this buyer STILL wants 5 articles 8 months after he placed the ad, when he was in a real hurry 8 months ago?
If not, is there any way to tell if a given Public Request is still open or not by reading it?

Another question : I found one request that says "Please email for more details.". I thought I read that authors do not contact buyers directly, so are we to assume that the ConstantContent management has already "Emailed for details"? How would we handle this?

Best of luck out there, y'all :)
Max Pilgrim

Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:40 am
by HayleyWriter
Hi Max,

You can pretty much assume that older requests have already been filled. Besides writing for specific requests, it is a great idea for new authors to build up a portfolio of quality written articles on topics that you are interested in. Often a public request will come along and you will have the articles already approved to submit to the customer. Also, many articles are purchased from customers who do not make requests, because the articles are already available to them.

Best of luck,


Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:52 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Also, we can't email clients but we can send them questions or contact them for more information using the Q&A link associated with the request. That's probably what the customer meant.

Re: list of "Public Requests"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:54 pm
by workdale1
Those responses solve every problem in the world that I have. (Well at least till I'm smarter.)
Thank you.

Best of luck out there, y'all :)
Max Pilgrimworkdale1