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Citing Sources?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:00 pm
by lizardwrites
Hello all! I'm new on the block, so forgive me if this is a question that comes up a lot--I couldn't find the answer in FAQ.

How does CC want sources to be cited? Is there a place on the website that shows what they want? Thanks!

Re: Citing Sources?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:31 am
by jak
You can list or cite your sources, but if they are websites, don't make them links. That means leave out http://www. So, for example, just put The reason is that customers who are webmasters don't want their viewers to click on links away from their pages except in circumstances determined by themselves. So the rule is no links unless the customer has requested it, in which case you put a note to that effect in the short summary.