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Question regarding public requests

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:16 pm
by Lysis
Hi all,

I have a question regarding open job requests. This has happened to me twice, so I'm sure I'm missing some detail of the process. I've been writing articles for job requests, and twice now I went to the upload page and the job was not in the dropdown list. The last one was against the typical guidelines (asking for poems), but the customer mentioned buying other articles that were on-topic. So, my thoughts were that I would write an article that followed CC guidelines, and if he accepted it yayyyy, if not, oh well it goes in my content list. Does CC reject job requests after the email has gone out? The only thing I can think of is that the job was removed or writers were accepted before me. I would just like to know how that works.

Thank you!

Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:19 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Customers often remove their requests once they have been fulfilled. Also, they can set expiration dates on the request. So, either the customer has pulled the request or it has expired.

Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 2:54 pm
by Lysis
aah, ok, gotcha! Thanks!

Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:16 pm
by word123
Even after the requests are expired, I see them on the page. Can we submit articles on them. Eg: Power walk: Expired 24-Jun-09.

Also, please let me know what is "purchase Rating" What does it indicate?


Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:20 pm
by Lysis
word123, I believe that means how many articles they have purchased.

Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:07 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Yes, purchase rating is how many transactions a customer has made. I suspect that the Power Walk request will go away at midnight tonight (6-24) or thereabouts. With all the different time zones involved, it may not yet have reached the official hour that it will be removed. For example, if you're in Australia, then this should have expired yesterday. However, here in the Pacific time zone, we still have a few more hours before June 25th rolls around.

You can still write for it, but it's not likely that the customer needs it. That said, if you like the topic and want to write it, some other customer may come along wanting an article exactly like yours. That's what's so cool about CC. Good luck whatever you decide to do with that particular topic!

Re: Question regarding public requests

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:41 am
by Ed
I would like to add the caveat that, when requests expire, most of them have been responded to a dozen or more times over. I feel it is in the writer's best interest to put energy into a new topic.
