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Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:00 pm
by writeon335
Hi, all. I'm new to the site and ready to submit my first article but I want to make sure I format it right the first time. This is going to be a "usage only" article and I want to include my pen name but I don't know where to put it. Is that a silly question or what? Do I put it beneath the heading, at the end of the article, within the text? Or does it not matter? I tried looking at some of the "premium articles" posted to see if I could see how other writers were doing it but I didn't notice any with a reference to the author. Any other suggestions for a newbie would be welcomed as well! Thank you!!

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:20 pm
by Amy W
Don't worry, it's not a stupid question. I had no clue about bylines when I first started writing here. Put the title of your article at the top of the page, and right under it put your byline, like this:

Title of Article
By Your Name

Most authors don't bother pasting the title or byline into the summary, which explains why you didn't see it when you searched the premium articles section.

Good luck with your submission!

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:23 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Hello and welcome! I always put my byline just under the title like this:

Here is the Title of the Article
By Celeste Stewart

This goes at the top of every submission that I make within the Word document that I upload. I like my byline at the top where it can't be overlooked. Plus, most newspapers put the byline at the top, so it makes sense to me.

It does matter that you include your byline in the Word document because this is what the customer works with. The customer receives your file and then uses the text from that file to create his web page. If the byline was not in the Word file, he would not necessarily know what byline to use. Plus, if you have a different CC user name, a well-meaning customer may opt to use that if a byline is not provided in the document. So, if your CC user name is GoofyWriterGirl and you want your professional byline to read "Josephine Q. Public" unless you place your byline in the document, you risk the chance of your customer using "GoofyWriterGirl."

PS - no such thing as a silly question here :) Okay, maybe, but silly questions are welcome.

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 9:42 pm
by writeon335
Thanks, ladies! I thought it looked best there but I just wasn't sure. I have one more question -- a few days ago I was reading through some of the forum posts and came across some instructions for creating a link so you would be notified if your article is printed somewhere on the web. Can anyone direct me to where that was so I can go back and review it? Also, can you link it anytime or does it have to be created when you submit the article? Wait! 2 questions -- is the use of bullets frowned upon or acceptable if used correctly?

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:01 pm
by Celeste Stewart
CC puts a hidden phrase within the text of each article along the lines of "This article is the property of ___ and is being published here without consent." This hidden phrase does not appear in the purchased text that the customer receives. The theory is that if someone manages to copy the text and post it elsewhere, you can search Google for the exact phrase and find out where you work has been illegally posted. You can also set up Google Alerts to notify you if Google ever comes across this phrase. Make sure to put the phrase in quotes when setting up a Google Alert. ** Edited to add: You can find your unique phrase in your account details page **

It's not foolproof because crooks are sneaky. It will catch the dumber ones but not the technically savvy ones.

Bullets are fine if used appropriately. In fact, bullets lend themselves to the Internet style, so occasional bullets are perfect. For example, use bullets when:
* Appropriate
* It make sense
* And so on

But do not make an article that is:
* Composed entirely of bullets
* Looks like a list of bullet points
* Doesn't have any explanations
* Is just a list of disjointed bullet points
* Contains one bullet after another but no relevant text
* LIke this lame example
* Because bullet overkill will get your article shot down

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:18 pm
by writeon335
Well, I held my breath and submitted it. Thanks for all your help!
Go easy on me, Ed, its my first time...

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 10:35 pm
by HayleyWriter
You better stop holding your breath - it can take a few days in the review process and no-one I know can hold their breath for that long. :wink:

Best of luck,


Re: Question about byline

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 7:50 pm
by writeon335
Ed accepted it first time! :D I can't believe it!! I expected at least one edit's very exciting. Can't wait to submit more!!

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:25 pm
by HayleyWriter
Congratulations! Getting the first acceptance is almost as exciting as getting your first sale, which I hope happens soon for you! Meanwhile, get writing, and build up your portfolio.

Kind regards,


Re: Question about byline

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:23 pm
by writeon335
Thanks, Hayley! I'm hoping to get more articles written soon. I've submitted another one for review. I don't want to submit more than one at a time until I get the hang of it. Now, hoping for a sale...

Re: Question about byline

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:50 am
by Word Gypsy
I second the congratulations! That is definitely the first step. I hope that you continue to have success getting your articles accepted here so that you can build up an eclectic portfolio. Happy writing! WG