Advice wanted:article written for public request

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Posts: 154
Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:58 am

Advice wanted:article written for public request

Post by canywriter »

Help, I need some advice - I recently wrote an article on spec for a public request - but tailored to work as the landing page for the client's website - so it would work only for this specific client. Now it hasn't been bought, so the article is still around. It also uses first person since it was meant for a website.

Could someone advice me on what to do? Should I delete the article?

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Advice wanted:article written for public request

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Yeah, I'd pull it and substitute <<Your website/company name here >> for the original company name. Then I'd resubmit with a note in the short summary instructing potential buyers that they have your permission to insert their own name where indicated. Either that or make the article more generic, omitting any references to the company name.
Posts: 154
Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:58 am

Re: Advice wanted:article written for public request

Post by canywriter »

Thanks, Celeste, that's something I wouldn't have thought of! Will work on it and see how I can make it less specific. Great to have people like you around!
