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Updating Requested Content
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:54 pm
by MeggieHardy
How long does it take for a title to move out of the requested content page after the client has bought an article. Specifically, I saw a title on the "recently sold" page and recognized it as a requested content from the day before. That was two days ago; tonight, I was looking at the requested content page and saw the title was still listed there. The descriptions said he was buying only one article.
Just wondering.
Re: Updating Requested Content
Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:16 pm
by Celeste Stewart
On the Requested Content page, you will see an expiration date. If a request has an exiration date of September 1st, even if the customer buys the article that he wants on August 12th, the request won't go away until it expires on 9-1 - unless the customer manually goes in and removes it (which rarely happens and is why CC implemented the expiration date system).
This is why it's still important to watch the Recently Sold list as you are doing. Keep in mind that customers are fickle (as most of us are) and may be open to additional articles during this time. Maybe yes, maybe no, but if the article is one that you think might be worth writing and might be marketable elsewhere, then . . .
Re: Updating Requested Content
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:00 am
by MeggieHardy
Hello Celeste,
Thanks for the timely answer.
I didn't see the expiration date; I guess I overlooked it.
It used to be that we got more than one page of Sold and Recently Added Content. Now, there's only one page. Is that a limit that was put in with the last major upgrade, or am I missing a "next" button? Surely, there are more than 10 or 12 in each category. It's not so important on the Recent Added, but for reasons we just talked about - Requested Content - having a list of more of the sold articles would be helpful - especially when a large chunk of them are private requests.
Kind Regards,
Re: Updating Requested Content
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:23 am
by Celeste Stewart
Good morning. To look at additional Recently Added content, you have to click the individual categories. If you click Arts & Culture, you'll see a list of the recently added Arts & Culture articles, not just the first one displayed. In the Site Suggestions thread, I believe there's a discussion about the Recently Sold list and the possibility of improving it. Jrichards had some ideas, so hopefully they're in the works.
Re: Updating Requested Content
Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:12 am
by MeggieHardy
Thanks for the info Celeste,
Here's hoping you have a productive and lucrative day!
Kind Regards,