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Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:33 am
by PatrickM
Hello everyone! I'm new here and have looked around on the forums as well as in the author FAQ for the answer. I have had no luck finding it so figured i'd ask here. I have submitted two articles for public request I would say about 4 or 5 days ago, and I have yet to hear anything back regarding them. One of the requests that I submitted a article for expires tomorrow and I was wondering if the offer expires, if I will still be able to offer the article to the client? I would also like to know if the review process normally takes this long for articles pertaining to public requests? I appreciate anyone helping to make this clear for me, thanks!

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:37 am
by michellehoman
It could take up to that long for an article review. But when you are submitting for a public request it normally takes a shorter period of time. Are you sure you checked the box that says it is for a request when you submitted the article?

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:51 am
by PatrickM
Yes I am sure I checked that box. It was reviewed just a bit ago and rejected so I went back and tried to fix it, it was then rejected a second time and I am not allowed to re-submit it again. Kinda sucks, but I just have to learn from it I guess and try to move forward. It was rejected the first time for sentence structure and grammatical error's along with first person POV and the second time for not properly being revised. I know what first person POV means, I didn't think it was in a first person POV though. Anyways gonna keep trying, thanks for the response :)

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:36 pm
by michellehoman
Keep working hard Patrick...good luck!

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:45 pm
by Lysis
Patrick, don't worry. We all make mistakes. If you find that your mistakes are blatant even to you and you just missed them in the proofing process, let the article sit for a few days and come back to it. I had to do this myself since I can read something 10 times right after I write it and not see the mistake. It's helped me tremendously with the rejections.

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:04 pm
by PatrickM
Thanks a lot I will keep that in mind. That actually happend, I read over it after getting the rejection and nothing would jump out. My second article I had submitted was rejected as well but I had to go over it and re-post it sort of fast because it was for a public request that expires tomorrow. I appreciate the tips and the good luck wishes. I wish you all good luck as well!

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:10 am
by Phil
Hang in there Patrick. I am not a "natureal" at spelling and grammar thanks to a misspent youth. So, it normally takes me forever to fully edit the article and get it "just so". But, I have discovered that the stringent requirements here have a couple of advantages.

[*]First, it forces lazy writers like me to step up the game.[/*]
[*]Second, it keeps the site clean and professional which leads to customer confidance.[/*]
[*]Finally, I believe that it weeds out bad writers and leaves a talented pool that feeds a regular customer base.[/*]

So hang in there. Trust me on this; If I can do it here, anyone can. :D

- Phil

PS I didn't edit this post for spelling, style, or grammar just to make my point about not being a natural. Be well.

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:59 am
by PatrickM
Hey there Phil, I appreciate the vote of confidence! After my first two articles have been rejected, confidence seems to be something I have been lacking. I'm not going to stop trying, it just seems there is still a lot I need to learn before I try to submit anymore. It's just frustrating I guess. Any ways thanks again for the confidence boost, I hope to get the chance to read some of your articles soon, good luck!

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:29 pm
by Phil
Anytime. My name on CC's main site is PEGwinn. Real original, Phillip E. Gwinn. I should have chosen an ubercool online persona like Raptor136 or something :P

I actually blog on my writing talking about what I have learned etc. So if you really want to read all about a rookie-in-action click the spinnyglobe thingy under my name.

But, yeah I was a bit jolted when I read the writers guidelines. I was better jolted when the first article sold. I just sold a second one and so am proceeding apace.

Just remember, If a retired Marine with no college to speak of can do can you.
Lucky me that Ed doesn't hold forum grammar against us :wink:
PatrickM wrote:Hey there Phil, I appreciate the vote of confidence! After my first two articles have been rejected, confidence seems to be something I have been lacking. I'm not going to stop trying, it just seems there is still a lot I need to learn before I try to submit anymore. It's just frustrating I guess. Any ways thanks again for the confidence boost, I hope to get the chance to read some of your articles soon, good luck!

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:33 pm
by nichewriter
Cheers to your second sale, Phil! ***doing the happy dance for ya***

I actually have your blog bookmarked now -- thanks for that review of e-Speaking! I had Via Voice and Dragon Naturally Speaking (6 years ago), but gave up on them because they were just too hard to train. I've been thinking whether to buy the latest Dragon Naturally Speaking...a little hesitant because of my experience with its earlier version, plus it isn't exactly cheap. Your review convinced me to give e-Speaking a try. (The price doesn't hurt either!)


Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:40 pm
by Debbi

Woohoo! 2nd sale already! Where's that Happy Dance, hmm ? :)


Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:51 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Danger. Danger. Red alert. Red alert. Y'all are getting hooked on CC. There's no turning back. Danger. Wait. . . we're all making money with words. How many times have you heard the saying, "If only I had a nickel for ___." We're getting nickels, pennies, and cold hard cash for our words and that rocks! Where do I sign up for the happy dance? Yay us! :D

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:18 pm
by Phil
Well, Ok, Back by popular demand....... Image

Re: Question regarding review process

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:27 am
by PatrickM
Two articles rejected in total, and my account gets suspended. That's totally messed up, so I guess i'm gone now. I wish you all the best of luck.