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Requested Vs. Random Content

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:59 am
by RRR
Hi Forum:

I submitted my first three articles and a photo about a week ago and they are still under review. All three articles were ones I created previously and are unrelated to CC's customer requests.

Should I delete those articles and resubmit ones that are requested? Is this a better approach to become reviewed more promptly? I read on the forum it take a few days, up to a week even. But I have also read someone who waited 3 weeks. Any advice on this matter is greatly appreciated.

Also, I have one more question in regards to requested material. When a client is looking for 10 articles, does that mean each CC author submits a 10-pack of articles -OR- is that how many they will purchase overall?

Thanks in advance for answering these questions!


Re: Requested Vs. Random Content

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:04 am
by Ed
Writing for requests, after you are familiar with the system, may get your articles reviewed more quickly, but it doesn't guarantee more sales, which is the whole point of uploading articles. I recommend you wait until your submitted articles are reviewed so you can make sure that you are adhering to all of our guidelines and are familiar with our system.

Each writer should submit one article per submission. The customer will purchase as many articles that are needed by as many authors who supply articles that meet the customer's needs.

Thank you,