Problem submitting reqested article
Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:48 am
Last night I submitted my first article for a public request. The customer requested a specific title, but since someone had obviously already submitted an article for the same request, the title was already registered.
Rather than changing the title from what the customer wanted, I inserted "[For Request]" at the end, and sent a note to support explaining what I had done. I haven't heard from suppport, but my article was rejected this morning because of the extraneous information in the title.
So, I changed a word in the title and resubmitted the article. In the short summary, I put a note indicating to the customer that the title could be changed as desired once the article is purchased. Is there going to be a problem with that? I want this article accepted while the customer is still looking, but I'm stabbing in the dark looking for a way to accommodate both the customer's request and CC rules.
Ed, if you're reading this, may I ask that you not reject the article if that note in the summary isn't appropriate? Rather, would you just let me know if there's a problem, and I'll change or delete the note as needed? I'd hate to miss the chance for my article to be considered by the customer because I don't yet know how to handle this situation.
Instructions from anyone would be appreciated. Thank you!
Last night I submitted my first article for a public request. The customer requested a specific title, but since someone had obviously already submitted an article for the same request, the title was already registered.
Rather than changing the title from what the customer wanted, I inserted "[For Request]" at the end, and sent a note to support explaining what I had done. I haven't heard from suppport, but my article was rejected this morning because of the extraneous information in the title.
So, I changed a word in the title and resubmitted the article. In the short summary, I put a note indicating to the customer that the title could be changed as desired once the article is purchased. Is there going to be a problem with that? I want this article accepted while the customer is still looking, but I'm stabbing in the dark looking for a way to accommodate both the customer's request and CC rules.
Ed, if you're reading this, may I ask that you not reject the article if that note in the summary isn't appropriate? Rather, would you just let me know if there's a problem, and I'll change or delete the note as needed? I'd hate to miss the chance for my article to be considered by the customer because I don't yet know how to handle this situation.
Instructions from anyone would be appreciated. Thank you!