Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

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Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by PeggyTee »

Hi all!

I recently fulfilled a private request for a customer and after much to-ing and fro-ing on message exchange here on CC, a few re-writes and editing redone, I told him that the article was 100% complete.

He then completely disappeared from contact and meanwhile I can see that my content is being viewed (as it is private content only the customer who requested it can see it). I'm worried now that he's printing out the pages then typing them up manually - as a gesture of goodwill I always let customers preview 100% of my work.

I have asked him to purchase the content soon, or else I think I shall take the articles down, which won't really help if he's already printed them out and is copying it! This request is for a private company's financial statements so they won't be putting it up on the web, therefore have no recourse to control copyright online.

Does CC make it compulsory for private requesters to purchase content? My gut feeling says no so if he doesn't buy the articles (all 5 of them at an average of 800 words each) I'm stuck in the lurch with these customised pieces of work that can never sell anywhere else. :(

This experience makes me think twice about ever fulfilling private requests of this nature again! Lesson learned: anything that is too specific/customised and requested by a customer that has no purchasing history on CC is high risk!

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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Lysis »

Take snippets from the articles and put them into Google alerts. You'll know if he's copying you. I've written for public requests and I have seen that the user is viewing my article, but he doesn't purchase it for a few days. I figure perhaps they are waiting for the funds, which is reasonable.

I think public requests would be more compelling for content thieves, so I wouldn't worry too much. A public request would give a user plenty of stuff to steal, so I think there is a lower chance for stolen content in a private request. This also follows what happens at Elance. The content thieves who ask for free "samples" always open public requests or invite a ton of writers.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

BTW, other writers CAN view private requests if they either bookmarked the private request category before it was hidden or if they have a private request of their own and click on the Private Request link.

How long have the completed articles been available? It's not unusual for a week or two to pass, especially if the articles are for a traditional 9-5 business. He could be on vacation, sick, at a conference, or who knows? Hopefully it will all work out for you soon.
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by PeggyTee »

Thanks for the support guys!

@Lysis - this private request is not for an online publication, so google won't help but thanks!

@Celeste - My customer says he's purchased them and quoted an order number, yet the articles are still sitting there happily as can be. This is my first major private request so am a little on tenterhooks.

I'll leave it for awhile to let it work out.

Celeste Stewart
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Shoot support an email about the particular order number. It may be stuck in his shopping cart, a glitch may have prevented it from going through, or maybe it's awaiting a paper payment or e-check to clear. Since he has an order number, that's a good start.
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

I notice that they are priced usage only? Technically they'll remain on the site even after his purchase. Even though they're semi-hidden they could be found later which might not be desirable.
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by PeggyTee »

I think it's a glitch. His order number says:

Order 15526, Date Paid: 12/31/1969

I've sent Support an email so hopefully that goes through ok.

Thanks Celeste!
Celeste Stewart
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Celeste Stewart »

Definitely must be a glitch with that date!
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by PeggyTee »

I love how fast and... erm... supportive... Support is! Article sales gone through now, no more panicking! Thanks everyone!
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Constant »

Fun Fact- That date is actually the second before the beginning of Unix TIme. It is really just a place holder in a 'Date' slot in a database when there is no actual date to place there. In the case mentioned above, since we are careful about approving orders from clients that we haven't done business with before, we place an administrative manual 'approve' on first time orders, meaning that there is no 'paid' date yet to place in that column. This gives us a chance to do some research and vetting before we let the articles scurry out into the wild world of the interweb. The order in questions was approved today. So to answer your whether that date is a mistake, no its a joke!
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by Constant »

As well. We noticed that they had been bought for usage, so we just archived them and tucked them away so they will be treated as though they were bought for Fullrights.
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Re: Private Requests = Obligation to Buy?

Post by PeggyTee »

Thank you Constant! Should have remembered to list them as fullrights since they were a private request, but was in a bit of a flurry that time.
