Recently Sold Page

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Posts: 738
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:58 am
Location: New Mexico

Recently Sold Page

Post by Debbi »


Are the articles listed on the Recently Sold Page ALL the articles sold on the dates listed? I ask because one day one of my articles sold but never appeared on that list.

Is there any way we could have a page that listed several columns of recently sold articles by title only or maybe an archive of sold content titles? I think someone suggested a digest of sold article info that would be sent as e-mails once a week or so.

Posts: 738
Joined: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:58 am
Location: New Mexico

Re: Recently Sold Page

Post by Debbi »

After the recent flurry of quizes sold from that one request, this subject came up again. I think authors would appreciate being able to see a longer list of Recently Sold articles, perhaps in an archive or as a link at the bottom of the page that went to an extended list. This way we could be sure we weren't duplicating work already sold. Not as important for genereal requests, but for specific ones like quizzes or state parks, it would help us make better informed choices.
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Re: Recently Sold Page

Post by Antonia »

Agreed. I think when this topic came up previously, it was added to Constant's "to do" list...which I know is loooooong....but it will be great when we have that functionality! The only downside is that it will give me more reasons to procrastinate, as I click through pages and pages of recently sold articles.... :)