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Review Time

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:54 pm
by willwrite
Hi All..newb to the forum and am wondering what the review time is for articles? I have submitted two that I seen on the requests list and would like them to be put on the board for sale before the task expires. I also submitted another one that was not a request. I do hope that the requests go through fairly rapidly. Thanks for your response.

Re: Review Time

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:28 pm
by DennisMartz
Hi Will,

Welcome to CC,

I see that you're new to the forum and also that you've already submitted 3 articles. I'm new here at CC myself and after being here for a little over a week would make a suggestion. If you are serious about CC and have not done a very THOROUGH search of the forums, you might want to consider pulling your articles. There are a number of things that might cause your articles to be rejected and after 3 rejections, it will mean being permanently banned from CC...

Reading the forums "carefully" first is usually a very good idea - this is a very professional site and to keep it that way, they are very strict about doing things right.

Just a suggestion, but one that you might find worth the time.


Re: Review Time

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:39 pm
by Lysis
For general requests, I wouldn't expect anything less than a week at this point. This is my experience.

Public requests are usually shorter, but it could be that the buyer has already purchased articles, so it's getting pushed behind newer requests.

I'd definitely take Dennis' advice and pull 2 articles. Make sure you have one carefully proofed, approved, and go from there.

Re: Review Time

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:59 pm
by karrie1908
I pulled two articles myself this week out of fear. I do not want three rejections right off. I would rather have a chance to learn and correct things.

I would make the same suggestion after reading many of the forums. I still have some questions but I would rather learn from the first article I submit and have the chance to submit more.


Re: Review Time

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:07 pm
by portia65
I also put up an article in response to a public request. It has been 3 weeks, & it is still under review. I'm sure I've missed the project, but it's still a good article, so I want to leave it up. I've had 2 others approved, so I don't think there are editing problems. 3 weeks seems too long, especially when you're working to a public request!

Re: Review Time

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:39 pm
by bethka

I am new and did 3 articles, two were sent back for corrections, that i'm ashamed to admit.... The last article I pulled in fear of a 3rd rejection and being banned from the site.

You mentioned 3 rejections and you are terminated, does this include the ones that can be re-submitted?

I supposed that the articles are checked so well means the integrity of the site is maintained and high, which is good for everyone writing.

Not sure who is reading and reviewing and if this person reads here but if so, thanks for the hard work.....

Re: Review Time

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:54 am
by jak
Hi bethka, and welcome to the site. You are right about the site standard. While it is certainly a pain if articles are rejected, customers know they are getting quality here so they keep returning, and that's good news for everyone. It's hardworking Ed who does the reviewing and he chips in here every so often. You were probably right to pull your 3rd article as you have to prove that you can get up to scratch by submitting something that is perfect, so you need to be confident about that. Read your rejection notices carefully and make sure you understand what you could do to get your articles accepted. I suggest you also read through these forums and take note of tips from veterans here about doing a checklist from the guidelines and getting help with proofing. You can post your own questions if you need to. Perhaps there is someone close to you who could help you proof as well. Two pairs of eyes are always better than one. Good luck.

For portia

[quote]I also put up an article in response to a public request. It has been 3 weeks, & it is still under review. I'm sure I've missed the project, but it's still a good article, so I want to leave it up. I've had 2 others approved, so I don't think there are editing problems. 3 weeks seems too long, especially when you're working to a public request![/quote]

Three weeks is unusual for public request articles. Something may have been wrong with your submission. Does the article appear in the My Content page as under review? If not, you may need to resubmit.