Purchase Rating

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Posts: 37
Joined: Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:38 am

Purchase Rating

Post by karrie1908 »

How does a buyers purchase rating go from 6 in one request to 0 in another? It is the same person who has a tonne of requests on here...? Just curious if this is a bad sign before I start writing for him.

Also are we able to email buyers through the system to requestmore info. if their ad is vague?

Posts: 266
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:21 pm

Re: Purchase Rating

Post by eek »

Hi Karrie,

I don't know about those varying numbers in the purchase rating. I noticed the same about a customer who posted a request recently and showed a purchase rating of 0, but they have bought many of my articles in the past. It could be a glitch.

You can contact clients through the system to ask for more details, as long as you don't self-promote or send contact info outside of the CC system, like your personal email or blog.
