Check for stolen content

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Check for stolen content

Post by eek »

I found one of my articles here: *website address removed by Ed per owner request after resolution of issue* The chances are good that the site owner lifted other CC articles as well, so go check it out.
The site focuses on science, spirituality, and environmental issues, but there also seems to be some generic content thrown in, too.

I'm rethinking my former strategy of posting the entire content of my articles in the long summary. I know content thieves can steal half of an article and don't seem to mind that it drops off a cliff, but maybe it will deter a few.

It's too bad there isn't some easy way to force these thieves to pay for the content they've stolen, rather than just take it down. It's not even a slap on the wrist.
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by 4rumid »

Their article categories are on the right if you scroll down a little.

You're right. Knowing the worst that will happen to them is the article gets taken down isn't much of a deterrent.
Amy W
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by Amy W »

I know how you feel - I HATE content thieves. Especially when the content thieves always seem to get away with it.

You can get the site shut down - just contact the site's online service provider to let them know that the site stole content from you. You won't receive any payment for the article, but at least the content thieves won't be able to profit off of it, either. Maybe getting their site shut down will make them think twice about stealing articles in the future.
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by Spiritual89 »


I found this forum whilst taking a look at my traffic referrals. I am the owner of *Website, and I sincerely apologise for any content found on my blog which you may be the author of.

I was recently contacted by Zabrina, from Constant Content, after one of her articles was republished without permission on my blog. I hope you can all understand, I have no intention of stealing your articles. Nearly all of the articles on my blog, I have purchased from 'freelance writers' from Digital Point forums. I immediately removed the article once Zabrina emailed me about the matter, and later found the user I had purchased the article from had been banned from the forum.

Since I have bought many articles from several different users, it's impossible for me to tell which articles are stolen and which are genuine. So please, contact me at *Email if any of your articles have been posted on my blog, so I can remove them immediately.

Again, I apologise for this. I can appreciate your frustration, but please don't mistake me for a theif. I've lost hundreds of dollars myself by buying these articles from frauds.
Last edited by Spiritual89 on Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by Constant »

Thanks a lot Luke! Its nice to have other businesses from around the internet recognize the scope of the problem that faces content producers.


David Kool
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by Spiritual89 »


It would seem all problems regarding content stolen from Constant Content has now been solved. All articles are now written by myself or a trusted friend.

Would it be possible for an admin or moderator to remove *website from the post, since this post is appearing in Google search and could potentially give my website a negative reputation. I explained in my previous post why this was a misunderstanding.

Many thanks,
Last edited by Spiritual89 on Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Check for stolen content

Post by jadedragon »

Hey Luke - if you buy from CC you will never get stolen content due to the strict review process. Just thought I'd throw that out there.