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"Private Request" as category?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:49 pm
by Debbi
I often see articles in the Recently Sold marked as "Private Request" in the Category column. I've been setting the category as the one I think fits the artcile best even if it was a private request. Should I be putting "Private Request" as the category when I submit the article?

Re: "Private Request" as category?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:55 pm
by Celeste Stewart
Not necessarily. That category is from older times, before the system matched articles to specific requests. It's still in use for those situations where there's an ongoing request that doesn't have an official request left such as when the request has officially expired, but the customer still needs the content. Another instance is where the customer doesn't put in an official request but rather writes the request in a message such as "Thanks for the last article. It was great. Would you mind doing another one on _____?"

By placing the request in the Private Request category, the article remains hidden from view. This protects it from being snatched up by someone else. Since there's no official request, you have to remember to give the link to the customer. CC wants us to move away from this system in favor of the new system.

Re: "Private Request" as category?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:02 pm
by Debbi
Oh. I have had some requests like that in email but I asked the customer to put in a private request and she did. Am I risking losing the request that way? Maybe I shouldn't do that and just use the "private "request" method you described........

Re: "Private Request" as category?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:15 pm
by Ed
It's important that the customer fill out a request form so that it's clear that you are responding to a private request in the first place. The category, in this situation, is of secondary importance. In Celeste's case, she has a lot of articles that don't belong in the general pool, period. However, if you're writing an article for a private request about dog breeds, you should simply use a category for general purchase. If your customer decides not to purchase the article for whatever reason (which does sometimes happen with private requests), your article will be available for purchase by other customers. Otherwise, it will stay in private request limbo. It may also not be reviewed immediately.

When a customer fills out the request form it serves several puposes - it notifies me of an incoming private request (so I can be looking for it and review it when it does come in), it provides more information for me if the submission itself isn't self-explanatory, and it creates a situation where the article, when submitted to the request, is sent directly to the customer.

Some writers are still working with customers from before the request system was in place. Everyone else should have their customers fill out a private request form so that requests can be reviewed in the most efficient manner.


Re: "Private Request" as category?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:33 pm
by Debbi
Thanks Ed. That's what I'll keep doing then :)