Question about unique content...

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Moderators: Celeste Stewart, Ed, Constant

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:47 am

Question about unique content...

Post by raynmanwriting »

I have been writing for a pretty good while and have samples of my writing up in a couple different places but I would like to have it available for usage here at CC. Is there any problem with this? It is all original work that I have done.

I have two of these articles up for review but I probably should have asked before I submitted them. I'm brand new to CC so I am still trying to get the hang of all the rules.

I appreciate any help here.

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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: Question about unique content...

Post by Ed »

Please review this entry in our FAQ:

I submitted an article to sell for usage rights only. My articles was rejected for originality, but I am the original author of the content.
We can only accept articles that are able to be verified as original to the author. If you choose to submit content published elsewhere by you, please submit articles that are clearly credited to you with your name or the pen name you use on Constant Content. Articles that cannot be verified as original to the author cannot be accepted. If there is no name on the original publication, if the article is credited with a name that does not match your given or chosen name, or if the author's name is not easily located on the page of original publication, the article will be rejected. Do not include location of previous publication anywhere in your submission. Please note: When you submit an article that has been published elsewhere, you may ask usage rights ONLY for the article.

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:47 am

Re: Question about unique content...

Post by raynmanwriting »

Sounds good. Thanks for the prompt response.

It's a good thing I had my pen name changed to what I usually use. Thanks for making that happen as well.
