Title Change

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Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:19 pm

Title Change

Post by CGillingwater »

I know this has been asked before, but I have browsed the forum for an answer and it seems I need to request that my title be changed since the article is already in review. The title on the document itself is correct, but I messed up somehow on the actual submission title. It currently reads "The Potential Consequences of Co-Signing a Loan" and should read "The Potential Consequences of Co-signing a Loan". Thanks. I apologize ahead of time if there is another way to do this that I have just missed somehow.
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Location: New Mexico

Re: Title Change

Post by Debbi »

I made this same mistake on my very first submission and earned a rejection. From then on I have been copying and pasting my article into the Long Summary and then copying and pasting the title from there into the Title form field (instead of typing it in). That way the two will match exactly.
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Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:19 pm

Re: Title Change

Post by CGillingwater »

That's a good suggestion for the future and I will remember that next time. As for this time, I'd like to remove the article and start again if I cannot get the title changed prior to it being reviewed. How do I go about doing that? I tried removing the file itself, but the article still appears as being "in review".
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Re: Title Change

Post by Ed »

You have to use the delete feature, located near the edit feature next to each article in your list of submitted content, in order to remove submissions completely.

I can change this for you upon review.

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Re: Title Change

Post by 4rumid »

This issue seems to come up a lot (I know it has with me). Would it be possible to change the title field into an editable field, like the short summary, long summary, price fields, etc. once an article has been submitted? Seems like that would result in less work for everybody (Ed included!).
Posts: 55
Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:35 pm

Re: Title Change

Post by DennisMartz »

I have to agree on this one - being able to change the title is something that's really important. I really hope TPTB will consider making this something we can change on our own - I know Ed doesn't seem to mind making the change for us, but I think some of us are "reluctant" to ask - we all know Ed has more than enough on his plate and although it may not seem like much, "little" things can add up.

