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Articles listed as "Waiting"
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:02 pm
by ecdoran
I have one article that's listed as 'waiting' and from what I read that means it is in someone's cart awaiting payment or their payment is awaiting clearance. Is there anyway to know which rights they've purchased/are planning to purchase? It's not a life or death situation, I'm just a curious cat
Re: Articles listed as "Waiting"
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:31 am
by nichewriter
You won't know what rights the buyer purchased until that waiting status turns to sold.
Re: Articles listed as "Waiting"
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:58 am
by ecdoran
That's what I figured, but I figured I'd ask just in case it said somewhere and I was just missing it. Thanks
I hope it does turn into a 'sold'!