3 Rejections You're out, Unless...

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3 Rejections You're out, Unless...

Post by esemmel »

To continue on the topic of what happened to me...

It seems that if you get 3 articles rejected from constant-content you cannot submit anyone and you're account gets suspended. That's fine. Even though that policy is in the "agreements" that you check off when you first sign up for an account - the part the most people would agree, doesn't get read. Anyway, that's not the main point here. It's a policy and technically people should read every last line. Just like the the terms of agreement when you get a credit card, sign a lease, etc.

However, if 2 of your articles are suspended for reason that is incorrect, should that count as a rejection?

As an example, writing an article from the first person POV when the request was for a first person POV. You are rejected with the only reason given being the article was written from a first person POV. Is that a proper rejection?

And a second rejection comes from an accusation of plagiarism, when you re-wrote an article that you, yourself wrote.
My other thread covers this in great detail so I won't re-hash it here.

To try making a point in another thread saying I couldn't submit anymore articles anyway because "you're not allowed to submit anymore articles because you had 3 rejected" is not entirely accurate.

I had only one rejected for structural writing errors.

From that point of view, I still have 2 rejections to go.
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:15 pm

Re: 3 Rejections You're out, Unless...

Post by Ed »

Please email Support with further problems.
