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I've got a question...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:52 pm
by John Zee
I just had an article accepted.

Seconds later it was rejected.

Which is it?

There was no feedback regarding why. I've never had an article rejected for any reason adn am curious, especially considering that it was written and uploaded to meet a timely content request.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:57 pm
by malward

I had an article rejected once, which was a real surprise, and it has been the only one.

I can only guess at why the article was rejected. Did you check for punctuation, spelling and grammar? Did all of your sentences make sense? Just a thought.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:00 am
by John Zee
I just checked and found a spelling error which I've corrected.

Thanks to the person who noted it. It would have looked bad to a client.

Usually I don't miss these.

Accepted and Rejected

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 2:37 pm
by mattsterrr
I had an article accepted and then days later it was rejected. I queried this with the site and it was down to human error. These things happen, and in all fairness I was told to resubmit it and subsequently it was re-accepted exceptionally quickly.