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New and a Little Confused

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:13 am
by RightPro
Hi there,
I've just submitted my first article today and have been busy reading all the FAQ's and forum posts, yet I haven't found any answers to a couple of questions I have so I hope you can help. How long I can expect to wait for approval? Should I wait for my first approval before writing more? Is it best to submit articles on a variety of topics? If any seasoned pros on constant content could answer or point me to the info I'd be very grateful :)


Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:23 am
by TammiKibler
Hi Susana,

Welcome. I have only been here a couple of months, so perhaps "seasoned pro" does not apply yet. :)

I waited until my first submission was accepted before submitting others because this site has a three strikes you're out rule. My first article was reviewed and accepted after four days (including a holiday). Once your first article is accepted, you might be more confident about multiple submissions. Until you have three articles accepted though, you will not be able to have more than three articles waiting to be reviewed.

I recommend a variety of subjects because you cannot know in advance what a customer will be seeking. Evergreen topics work best; topics you know well will require less research.

Best Regards,


Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:38 am
by RightPro
Hi Tammi and thanks :)

That's really useful info and just what I was looking for. 3 strikes eh? That's harsh, lol :lol:


Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:35 am
by Debbi
Review times vary. If there are lots of public requests it usually take longer, sometimes a week or moren for an on spec article. Public and private request submissions have priority. Don't get discouraged, but be aware that CC can sometimes require patience. It is well worth the wait though :)

Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:32 am
by RightPro
Hi Debbie, it actually got reviewed extremely fast! And then rejected :? I've posted a request in another forum to have someone have a look at it for me.

Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:40 am
by iancj
I am very pleased with my "newbie" review times. However, both my subs have been rejected :(

The first one I could kind of understand, and it served to give me an idea of what CC expects. So, lesson learned (or so I thought) I subbed a my second article instead. Rejected again, but just don't understand their reasons: "grammar" & "difficult to understand words/sentences". Beats me. My first language is English and I've had 500+ articles published at that other place (EZA) with success.

Any thoughts?

Re: New and a Little Confused

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 10:56 am
by JD
Sounds as though your article lacks a little clarity in places. Sometimes the person who wrote the article is the wrong one to spot this: being the one who wote it, you're going to know exactly what you mean! Maybe you could show it to someone else and ask them if they can clearly understand the points/message you're trying to get across. If someone has to read a sentence more than twice to understand its meaning, then it could very well need revising.

Good luck.
