Newbie questions

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Newbie questions

Post by gprogers »

When I submit an article do I include the title in the word count? Should the title be at the top of my uploaded document? Thank you.
Posts: 266
Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:21 pm

Re: Newbie questions

Post by eek »

I usually don't include the title or byline in the word count. I don't think clients will mind either way. Yes, include the title at the beginning of the article in the uploaded document.
Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Re: Newbie questions

Post by 4rumid »

I don't include the title.
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Location: New Mexico

Re: Newbie questions

Post by Debbi »

Include both the title and your byline in the uploaded document. If you don't, the buyer may not know who to credit. Some buyers, even those who buy full rights, include the author's byline so better to be safe than sorry.

I don't count the title or byline in the word count, but then I usually round to the nearest 10 anyway. I don't think the buyer cares if I put 510 instead of 514 or 460 instead of 457.
Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:22 pm

Re: Newbie questions

Post by 4rumid »

I meant I don't include the title in the word count.